Sunday, August 17, 2008

Chris goes to school, Shelly steals a bigwheel.

Dear Brother,
I am thinking of you often these days. I hope you will find someone to read this to you, I would very much like for you to know my love and memories of you before you checked out. I'll always remember that day. It changed life as I knew it in so many ways. Dominoes.

I'm sorry I haven't written to you before now, I have been hiding in a hole for about 2 years. I am givin all I've got to pull my head together. It's healing but it's been slow. I am dealing with the past now and finally see a future. One of our relatives was a rockstar among literary Religous Philosophers named Pierre Bayle He studied religion from the time he was a small boy until he died sometime in his 50's or 60's. His conclusion was that God existed. That was it. He could find no other explanation after all that time. I am coming to understand what he understood. Everything and yet nothing at all without an open mind and heart. I find the heart to be much more difficult than the mind. I am working on it though. When you are able to come home, I'd like to sit and hear your opinion.

I am trying to remember the day you came in to my life. I can't try as I might. I was too young. I have pictures of the two of us and I have always got my arms thrown about you. I don't really remember but I must have loved you. I have a favorite picture of you with our granny. I will show it to you some day. My heart is aching for you now my brother. I have been on the look out for a place for you to live. I'm pretty sure between Rick, Susie and Shelly a decision can be made. I always have to be the mediator between the two of them. Oh well. I guess that's life. It used to bother me, but now a dirty pair of socks under my desk, is far worse.

I barely remember you as a baby and a little boy. I remember stealing your big wheel and blaming you for things. I'm sorry I did you wrong. I was just a child with a little devil ridin on her shoulder. I do remember one particular day, your first day of school. You were just 4, just a baby. You ran around the room as fast as you could trying to get away. You were always running in circles Chris. They caught you though and you cried your eyes out and asked for your sister. My classroom was right next door to the Kindergarten room. The door swung open and there you stood, one sad little panda. Looking back it seems you were mostly sad as a little boy. You got a little happier when you went to live with Granny. You did love her so and her love for you was limitless no matter.

Well, that is all for now, I will give your reader a break. Thank him for reading to you. I will write again soon.

Your sister